For the protection of Our Employees and YOU, Our Valued Guests, we are taking precautions to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Issued on August 23rd, 2021 Cook County issued a Mask Mandate stating any person inside a building or retail space must wear a mask over their mouth and nose.
(NBC Chicago's Report:
After each guest, we will sanitize the desks, chairs, and spray the air with Lysol.
Out employees are required to wash their hands after each transaction.
- All guests are MUST wear a mask covering both mouth and nose per Cook County's Mask Mandate issued 8/23/21
- Please try to maintain a minimum of six feet from others, especially those in other parties
- If too many guests are inside the office you may be asked to wait outside or in your vehicle
- We reserve the right to limit the number of passengers in a vehicle
- A mask must be worn over the guest's mouth and nose for the full duration of the ride
- Multiple rides are permitted if more than one person needs to judge the vehicle
We appreciate your patience and willingness to help us maintain a safe environment, thank you.
-The Wholesale Outlet Management